
Legal & Tax Alerts

Landmark Ruling: Compensation for Pre-Work Preparation Time Is it a financial game-changer in labor compensation?

Publication: ZRVP

In a recent decision by the Hague Court of Appeal, an important precedent has been set regarding the compensation of time allocated for preparation before commencing the work schedule. This ruling has implications not only for the involved parties but also for broader national jurisprudence.

Analyzing the Case

The case in question involved an employee of a call center who sought payment for the 10 minutes preceding the official start of the working hours. The employee’s claim was based on two key factors:

  • To ensure punctuality, arriving 10 minutes early was an employer-assigned task.
  • The extra time was essential for launching critical computer programs required for job performance.

Legal Resolution

The trial court ruled in favor of the employee, deeming the 10 minutes preceding the work schedule as working time, thus mandating remuneration. Their rationale was twofold:

  • Presence before the official start constituted an employer-directed activity, falling under the employee’s duty.
  • Recognizing it as working time necessitated commensurate compensation.

The court ordered the employer to compensate the employee for the pre-schedule working time, retroactive to their date of employment. The Hague Court of Appeal subsequently upheld this decision, rejecting the employer’s appeal.

National Impact

While not a verdict from the Court of Justice of the European Union, this ruling could influence national jurisprudence in several ways:

  • It reinforces the definition of “working time” in accordance with the employee’s contractual and legislative obligations.
  • Employees may now seek compensation for pre-work hours required for preparation, such as setting up equipment and systems.
  • Non-compliance by employers may lead employees to file legal complaints, citing this Netherlands court decision as precedent.

Although not legally binding in Romania, this ruling sets a practical example of how legal provisions defining working time can be applied in practice. Stay informed as similar cases may arise in our national legal landscape.

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