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New MHealth Quality Label for Health and Wellness Applications

Publication: ZRVP

New indicator which would help consumers sort the best from the rest when downloading health and wellness apps has been introduced

Modern fast paced lifestyle amplified by COVID effects upon people’s mentality might have increased interest in health and wellness apps which are easily available directly to consumers through app marketplaces. Although it seems that such health apps have the potential to play an important role in engaging people in their lifestyle and wellness behavior, little information is provided however to consumers about the quality and authenticity of the content of such apps.

While the path of innovation in health technology is considered long and complex, recently, the European Commission’s optic in relation to the need for Europe’s digital transformation and progress has been supported by ISO, CEN and IEC which have developed guidelines on a new technical specification on a quality label for health and wellness apps.

The overall purpose of such e-label should ensure an internationally agreed set of specifications to assess the apps, thus enabling those to whom these apps are intended for to easily compare health apps and, on the other hand, should encourage a people-centered approach for providers that empowers citizens and patients. Basically, this new technical specification should build with consumers by defining the quality of their information and their purpose and reliability criteria.

To what would such label apply? This criterion which would draw a thick line between qualitative applications and other unreliable products focuses on “mHealth” apps which are able to track personal health data. The potential of mHealth apps primarily focuses on rising awareness of own behavioral, physiological, biological, and other kinds of health markers.

Who should be in the first place impacted by this e-label? This quality specification should be considered not only by consumers who download health and wellness apps but also by manufacturers of such health and wellness apps.

This specific label would not only represent a barometer when choosing a reliable health app by European consumers, but should also contribute to an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health industry.

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