Practice Focus
Simona Oprea has over 15 years of experience in the practice of dispute resolution, specializing in civil litigation and family disputes, tax litigation, commercial and administrative disputes.
In the field of family law, she represents clients before courts of law and specialized institutions, and advises on a variety of cases with a focus on international child abductions, domestic abuse, protection of children’s rights during and after divorce proceedings (avoiding or combating parental alienation, enforcement of judgments relating to minors, special protection measures granted by specialized authorities).
Simona’s family law practice includes representation in cases concerning adoptions, in legal matters related to cross-border situations, such as divorce proceedings spanning over more than one jurisdiction, division of joint property, the matrimonial regime applicable in cross-border divorce cases.
Simona has extensive experience in mandates related to general corporate tax matters, representing national and international clients before the national courts and relevant tax authorities in fiscal disputes (regarding VAT, excise duties, corporate and income tax, local taxes and duties), land resources litigation, enforcement proceedings, public procurement and capital markets disputes.
- Civil & Commercial Law
- Tax Law
- Family Law
- BA in Public Administration, College of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration | 2000
- BA in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest | 2002
National Association of Romanian Bars