
Stan Tîrnoveanu

Senior Partner


Bucharest Bar | 1991


English, French, Romanian

Practice Focus

Stan Tirnoveanu is Senior Partner with Zamfirescu Racoti Vasile & Partners Attorneys at Law. He leads the Restructuring & Insolvency practice as well as the Banking Litigation practice, being one of the most reputed lawyers in Romania in the area of liquidation and reorganization in the banking system.

Tirnoveanu, with over 30 years’ experience as a lawyer and over 20 years’ experience as an insolvency practitioner, has broad expertise in representing clients in insolvency and bankruptcy, debt recovery and dispute resolution, bringing clients a unique insight into these areas. He ensures legal assistance and representation for both creditors and debtors in the insolvency procedure. His professional advantage is given by his solid knowledge of the banking system and procedures, for which he is recognized by clients and peers, combined with his insolvency practitioner skills, area in which he is valued for his fine strategic vision and excellent performances.

Tirnoveanu has been involved in the legislative process of the New Insolvency Code, being one of the members of the Legal Commission of the Chamber of Deputies that has worked on the new law. He has also published a significant number of articles in legal publications on the amendments of the new law.

His outstanding reputation in insolvency and restructuring is recognized by Chambers & Partners, which ranked him first in all its editions as “one of the best with respect to insolvency procedure cases.”

His banking practice covers the wide array of financing and funding transactions, trade finance facilities, collaterals system and credit securities issues.

Stan Tirnoveanu is a member of the European Association for Banking and Finance Law, Romania Branch and deputy editor of the Banking and Finance Law Magazine.

Stan Tirnoveanu delivers work at the highest standard and never fails to impress us.

(Chambers and Partners | 2019)

One of the pillars of insolvency law

(Chambers and Partners | 2018)

He is involved, gets to know all details of the file. He is highly knowledgeable and a tireless worker. He is regarded as a go-to lawyer for insolvency proceedings, and a top-class litigator.

(Chambers and Partners | 2016)

He’s the first name that comes to mind for this type of work. I trust his knowledge.

(Chambers and Partners | 2014)

Skilled and hard-working department head Stan Tirnoveanu is a top choice for restructuring and insolvency work.

(Chambers and Partners | 2013)

Sources agree that department head Stan Tîrnoveanu is one of the best with respect to insolvency procedure cases. Clients view his background in the banking industry as a real plus.

(Chambers and Partners | 2011)

Stan Tirnoveanu is highly regarded by interviewees for his work on insolvency matters, with commentators describing him as “a legend in the field of insolvency.”

(Chambers and Partners ǀ 2020)

Stan Tirnoveanu has a superb reputation as an insolvency litigator.

(Legal 500 EMEA ǀ 2020)

Stan Tirnoveanu is one of the best professionals in the market, combining exquisite ethics, professionalism and flexibility.

(Legal 500 EMEA ǀ 2020)

  • Restructuring & Insolvency
  • Enforcement & Debt Recovery
  • Banking & Finance
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Fiscal Litigation
  • Real Estate Litigation

Included in international rankings since 2011 :

Ranked in Restructuring & Insolvency, Band 1
(Chambers and Partners | since 2011)
Leading Individual in Restructuring & Insolvency
(Legal 500 EMEA | since 2015)
Leading Individual, Dispute Resolution
(Legal 500 | since 2007 – 2015)
Recognized in Banking & Finance Law, Insolvency and Reorganization Law
(Best Lawyers ǀ since 2016)

  • Banking Security Interests Course, Romanian Banking Institute, Bucharest | 1996
  • Post-graduate course in civil and commercial law, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest | 1993
  • BA in Civil Law (magna cum laudae), Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest | 1992
  • BA in Law (magna cum laudae), Faculty of Law, Economic and Administrative Section, University of Bucharest | 1985 (diploma equivalent to BA in Economic Studies)
  • The National Association of Romanian Bars
  • International Bar Association
  • National Union of Romanian Insolvency Practitioners / Vice President
  • INSOL Europe
  • European Association for Banking and Finance Law (Founding Member)

Global Practice Guide: Insolvency, Romania Chapter
Chambers and Partners | 2016 – 2020
Restructuring & Insolvency Country Comparative Guide, Romania Chapter
The Legal 500 | 2018 – 2019
Corporate Recovery & Insolvency, Romania Chapter
ICLG | 2018
“Practical Insolvency Treaty”
INPPI, Hamangiu | 2014

ZRVP wins in the CJEU the trial for application of the principle of monetary nominalism in foreign currency credit agreements
ZRVP ǀ 2020
ZRVP successful for Banca Transilvania before Court of Justice of the European Union
CEE Legal Matters ǀ 2020
Thoughts on the development of the insolvency practice in Romania
Universul Juridic | 2019
Interview on new proposed amendments to the Insolvency Law
Ziarul Financiar| 2018
The pros and cons of the New Insolvency Law
Bizlawyer| 2018
Opinion on the amendments brought to the Insolvency Law
Ziarul Financiar| 2018
The Romanian State may become shareholder of the insolvent companies
Ziarul Financiar| 2018
ZRVP unblocks litigation files on CHF loans| 2017
The increase of the CHF exchange rate may be associated with added risk and lead to loan renegotiation
Ziarul Financiar| 2017
Law no. 77/2016 on the giving in payment of immovable assets for the discharge of the obligations assumed by crediting| 2016
The changes brought by the new Insolvency Code Part 2| 2014
The changes brought by the new Insolvency Code Part 1,| 2014
The possibility to make payments during the insolvency procedure| 2014
Stay of the judicial and extrajudicial actions as a consequence of the opening of the insolvency proceeding| 2013
How does the New Insolvency Code try to avoid fraudulent practices
Ziarul Financiar| 2013
The employer files for insolvency. What happens to the employees?| 2013
What’s new in the New Insolvency Code
Capital| 2013
The annulment of unfair practices of the debtor in the insolvency procedure| 2013
Tourism agency in insolvency. What happens to the tourists?| 2013

Recent News

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