Bucharest Bar | 2005
English, Romanian

Practice Focus
Catalin has an unsurpassed practice in employment law with an exceptional reputation for advising clients on all aspects of individual and collective labour law. Having thorough and solid knowledge of the Romanian corporate regulations, Catalin is popular among major domestic and international corporations for advice on agreements negotiation, implementation of sophisticated management organization systems, important business transfers, corporate restructurings and collective bargaining agreements. During 2014 Catalin successfully coordinated the first ad integrum reorganization in Romania for a bank, by the means of collective dismissal integrated in a sophisticated mechanism of repositioning the human resources on a new jobs’ structure approved by the shareholders of the bank.
Catalin has also a notable reputation for advising on medical law and commercial law matters, acting for a client roster encompassing companies acting in a variety of industry sectors.
Catalin Micu assists Romanian and multinational companies with a range of employment matters, such as employee transfers and terminations, as well as issues related to immigration. He is acknowledged by market sources for his strong litigation skills.
(Chambers and Partners | 2019)
Catalin Micu advises on dismissals, the negotiation of collective agreements and issues relating to immigration. He acts on both contentious and non-contentious cases, and his clients include banks and marketing companies.
(Chambers and Partners | 2018)
Clients deem him “the strategic brain of the team,” adding: “I really appreciate him and his work. Very diplomatic and charismatic in approach, he is overall a sharp and unpredictable weapon, as well as a shield.
(Chambers and Partners | 2017)
Catalin Micu is appreciated by clients, with one remarking: “He always goes beyond with risk identification and matching solutions. “Another client says: “He is the type of person that will always look at things from every angle and is able to set our options on the table straight away.”
(Chambers and Partners ǀ 2020)
We rate Catalin Micu for his availability, openness to new situations and his solution searching.
(Legal 500 | 2020)
- Labor Law
- Corporate & Commercial
- Public Procurement
- Energy & Natural Resources
Ranked in Employment
(Chambers and Partners | since 2016)
Recommended lawyer in Employment
(Legal 500 EMEA | 2023)
- BA in Law, Faculty of Law, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca | 2005
- LL.M in Business Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest | 2006
- National Association of Romanian Bars
When a company talks about cost optimization, restructurings and collective dismissals follow
Aleph News | 2021
Interview on investors’ behaviour and trends on the labour market
Ziarul Financiar Live | 2021
Implementing teleworking In Romania: an employer’s toolkit
ZRVP | 2020
Teleworking is a new way for employers to attract talents
Ziarul Financiar | 2020
Can and should employees institute monthly allowances to cover remote work costs?
Wallstreet.ro | 2020
Is teleworking the queen working outside the office?
ABSL Romania webinar | 2020
The state should shorten the period in which it disburses to the companies the 75% of the gross average salary per employee
Ziarul Financiar | 2020
Legal mechanisms for talent retention
Profit.ro ǀ 2020
What keeps the lawyers of the Employment department busy
Bizlawyer ǀ 2019
Switching to flextime is beneficial for both employers and employees
Revista Cariere | 2019
Three aspects every employer should know about GDPR
Revista Cariere | 2019
Interview on the importance of a lawyer being involved and available for his client’s project
Bizlawyer.ro | 2019
The labor law market between past and present
Wallstreet.ro | 2018
The dynamics of the labor law market face to face with the legislation
Wallstreet.ro | 2018
Interview about employment law and what it takes to stand out in the legal profession
Bizlawyer.ro | 2018
Interview about recent developments and outlook in the area of medical services
Bizlawyer.ro | 2018
New regulations for Internship
Juridice.ro | 2018
Debate on how many ways an employee can be discriminated
Juridice.ro | 2018
Interview about strategies, exit fees and saving clauses in dismissing managers
Bizlawyer.ro | 2017
Article on Employees vs. Employer
Revistacariere.ro | 2016
Article on the difficulties encountered by the employer in reintegrating employees
Revistacariere.ro | 2016
Article on performance valences in labor relations
Revistacariere.ro | 2015
Internal regulation – a form in which the employer educates employees
Juridice.ro | 2017