One Move Ahead

Media Coverage

Pandemic Complicates Child Custody

Publication: Adevarul

Some parents use this crisis to keep their children away from the former spouse

Ovidiu Şerban explained that, in this period, divorced parents should set aside their issues and give access to the other parent who does not have custody of the children.

“The current lockdown and the huge amount of negative news tend to make us all more insecure and even paranoid. We often see cases of parents denying visitation rights to their former spouse by alleging the risk of contamination with the new coronavirus. Any responsible parent must take all necessary measures for both the physical and emotional health of their children. This is why shelter-in-place orders and other movement restrictions should not affect visitation schedules or child drop-offs”, he said.

“Children do need to have a relationship with both parents, and continuing this relationship during this period is still important. This implies meeting, talking and playing also with the parent with whom they do not live together. For those separated from their children right now, it is important to stay in touch as much and as creatively as possible. The superior interest of the child remains a priority and every party should be aware of the fact that a conflict between parents can break a child’s spirit forever. This is something parents must avoid at all costs.”, the lawyer added.

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