
Media Coverage

Teleworking and How It Can Help Attract Top Talent

Publication: Ziarul Financiar

The COVID-19 crisis has propelled employment issues to the forefront of every business leader’s agenda. Rising risks and challenges in workforce management are the new priorities and tackling these will not be simple.

COVID-19 could revolutionize the world of work and teleworking comes with increased opportunities for employers, like attracting and retaining talents not available before the pandemic.

Catalin Micu, a keynote speaker at the 8th ABSL Annual Conference and moderator of the session COVID-19 Response: Teleworking Past, Present and Future, explained the difference between teleworking and work from home and highlighted the following:

  • Teleworking vs. work from home or modern workforce models/flexibility vs. tradition/rigidity;
  • Teleworking vs. workforce management (is employees’ productivity/creativity/talent development an issue?);
  • Teleworking vs. employees’ wellbeing (new platforms in place for checking/securing employees’ wellbeing);
  • Teleworking vs. recruitment, hiring & training;
  • Teleworking vs. cost management.
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